Youtube Coaching
Whether you are looking to grow your business or become the next youtube sensation, we are here to help! Over the years we have committed hundreds of hours to learning, trying, growing and best of all succeeding on youtube and we believe that given to right tools and coaching you will be able to navigate and grow your channel in your niche area of expertise or passion.
We will work with you on establishing your youtube channel, finding your niche, how to come up with video ideas, create strategies on how to: put together each video, grow your channel, create engaging thumbnails and even some basic video ranking techniques.
Video Strategy
If content is king, strategy is queen and it’s when they are both working together which brings the most success to your video campaigns.
Whether you are looking for and affective Video SEO strategy or a simple strategy to help role out a new product or service we are offer strategy sessions to help you make the most of your video Campaign. We believe that your investment is important and we want to see you get the most out of it. By sitting down with you we will figure out your end goal and help create a strategy that will help achieve your goals.